If you go over your credit limit or any spend limit you may have set, we'll restrict your service to prevent any further charges.
A credit limit is put on your account by Three to help manage your monthly spend. We'll let you know via text when you're getting near it. Some services become restricted when you go over your credit limit. 1
When you're travelling outside the UK, you'll automatically incur charges using your phone or Mobile Broadband to call, send a text or use data. If you go over your credit limit or any spend limit you may have set, we'll restrict your service to prevent any further charges. 2
If you need to call us when roaming, dial +44 7782 333 337 (all calls will be charged at the applicable roaming rate).
We don't want you to spend more money than you want to when using data whilst roaming. So to help you manage costs abroad, we've set a roaming data limit for all our customers. For full details take a look at our About roaming page.
If you go over your credit limit or any spend limit you may have set, we'll restrict your service to prevent any further charges.
It's not always possible to monitor your spend in real-time, so we can't guarantee that your service will be immediately restricted once you've gone over your limit.
Any feedback you have helps us make your experience better.