Delivery & return queries
Your order is being processed. If you want to change or track it, or change your delivery address, you can find out how at Your order FAQs.
Number & account information
Looking for your new phone numbers or account number? We’ll email this to you after your order has been processed.
Bringing your number to Three
You can use our online form to transfer your number to Three. Remember, you’ll need to insert your new SIM 24hrs before the number is due to transfer.
Setting up your device and SIM
We’ve got online support available to help you set up your new device and SIM.
Registration and log in
Find out how to register and log in, and manage your account and spending online.
Save time with an online account
Access your Three Business account online 24 hours a day to view your bills, add lines, set a Spend Cap and more. It’s easy, you can register your online account here.
Your first bill
This will be a bit higher than future bills, as it includes the first month in advance, plus the days leading up to your billing date.
Three+ rewards for your team
Download our rewards app, an exclusive perk for you and your team. Get rewards and offers from the brands you love, plus presale tickets to the biggest gigs.
Planning on working abroad?
It needn’t mean spiralling costs. Our Go Roam packages allow you to call, text, and get online abroad at the right price.
More from Three Business


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